
来源: 太阳成集团tyc9728 作者: 发布时间: 23-11-03 15:38 次浏览


职称:讲师     学历:博士研究生     籍贯:陕西佳县     毕业院校:西安建筑科技大学

邮箱:hejiangyong55 @126.com


1. 低阶煤清洁高效利用

2. 高性能兰炭的定向制备与基础应用研究


1. 低阶煤低温干馏条件对兰炭破碎/燃烧行为的影响机制研究《国家自然科学基金项目》;

2. 高炉喷吹配加高质量兰炭降本技术开发《陕西省工业攻关项目》;

3. 高炉喷吹及硅铁生产用优质兰炭性能优化研究《内蒙古正能化工集团有限公司企业项目》;

4. 高炉喷吹用兰炭工业化生产关键技术基础研究与应用《河北省首钢迁安钢铁有限责任公司企业项目》;

5. 低变质煤干馏条件对炼铁喷吹用兰炭燃烧反应活性影响研究《榆林市科技计划项目》;


1. He J Y,Zou C, Zhao J X, et al. Effects of microstructural evolutions of pyrolysis char and pulverized coal on kinetic parameters during combustion [J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2019, 26(12): 1-12.

2. He J Y,Zou C, Zhao J X, et al. Comparison of semi-coke with traditional pulverized coal injection and iron ore sintering fuels based on chemical structure and combustion behavior [J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2022, 29(5):725-740.

3. He J Y,Zou C, Zhao J X, et al. Comparison of isothermal and non-isothermal combustion methods when evaluating char for pulverized coal injection [J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2023.18(1):1-13.

4. He J Y,Zou C, Zhao J X, et al. Influence of Raman spectroscopy test conditions on the results of carbon chemical structure of chars [J]. Energies, 2022, 15(15): 5627.

5. Zou C,He J Y,Zhao J X, et al. Structure and Reactivity of Low-Rank Coal Chars Prepared from Fluidized Bed and Moving Bed Pyrolyzers and the Potential for Using Them in Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) [J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 2019, 50B:2304-2318.

6. 何江永,邹冲,赵俊学,等.高炉喷吹用高可磨兰炭的调控制备与工业试验[J].钢铁,2023, 58(4):11-20.

7. 何江永,邹冲,赵俊学,等.高炉喷吹用兰炭与煤粉非等温/等温燃烧热分析动 力学研究[J].煤炭转化, 2022, 45(4):34-45.

8. 何江永,邹冲,赵俊学,等.半焦与传统喷吹煤和烧结焦末碳化学结构和燃烧行为对比研究.2020年冶金物理化学学术会议论文集.